Sam shares $2 of her $12 dollar allowance every week. What fraction of her allowance does she share?


Okay, first- 12/2 gives you 6. the bottom number has to be 6 because that's how many times she can share. she shared the first fraction so the top number should be 1. the answer here is 1/6

To find the fraction of Sam's allowance that she shares, we can set up a fraction with the amount she shares as the numerator and her total allowance as the denominator.

Sam shares $2, so the numerator is 2.

Her total allowance is $12, so the denominator is 12.

Therefore, the fraction she shares is 2/12.

Simplifying this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2.

2 divided by 2 is 1, and 12 divided by 2 is 6.

So the fraction is simplified to 1/6.

Therefore, Sam shares 1/6 of her allowance.

2/12 = ?
