Need help with this question: Which of the following word pairs best shows in the novel shows how the people of San Francisco were affected by the earthquake in the book DragonWings?

A. shocked and tired
B. angered and violent
C. traumatizing but hopeful
d exhausted but unshakeable.
my answer is A.

I have not.

I agree with you. After the earthquake the people were in shock and wanted nothing more but to just go to their old home and go to bed

To determine which word pair best shows how the people of San Francisco were affected by the earthquake in the book DragonWings, we need to analyze the story and identify the words or phrases that accurately reflect their experiences and emotions.

In DragonWings, the setting is San Francisco during the earthquake of 1906. The characters in the novel go through a range of emotions and experiences as a result of the earthquake. Let's analyze the options:

A. shocked and tired: While it is true that the people of San Francisco were indeed shocked by the earthquake, the word "tired" does not specifically reflect the impact of the earthquake but rather the aftermath of the disaster. It is important to focus on the immediate effects of the earthquake in this question.

B. angered and violent: While it is reasonable to assume that some people may have become angry as a result of the earthquake, the word "violent" does not accurately depict the overall sentiment of the people in the novel.

C. traumatizing but hopeful: This word pair captures the essence of the people's experience during the earthquake. The earthquake was indeed traumatizing, as it caused immense damage and loss of life. However, the word "hopeful" represents the resilience and determination of the people to recover and rebuild their lives.

D. exhausted but unshakeable: This option also captures the impact of the earthquake on the people. The word "exhausted" reflects the physical and emotional toll the disaster had on them. The word "unshakeable" implies their determination to persevere despite the adversity they faced.

Therefore, both option C ("traumatizing but hopeful") and option D ("exhausted but unshakeable") are possible answers that accurately portray the effects experienced by the people in the novel DragonWings.

Ultimately, the choice between these two answers may depend on the specific details and overall tone of the novel. It would be helpful to refer to specific passages or scenes in the book to determine which word pair is the best fit.