Art helps children socially because:

A. they can make artistic products for others to see at art shows

B. during are activities, they interact and learn social skills such as sharing and taking turns.

C. they can make crafts that can be sold to other people.

D. children cannot learn art through individual lessons

i am leaning towards B

I agree.

You are correct, option B is the answer. Art activities provide children with opportunities to interact and learn social skills such as sharing and taking turns. However, let me explain how you can arrive at this answer by analyzing all the options.

Option A states that children can make artistic products for others to see at art shows. While this may provide a platform for children to showcase their creativity, it primarily focuses on the outcome of the artwork rather than the social aspect of art.

Option B, as you mentioned, highlights the social benefits of art. Art activities often involve group or collaborative projects, encouraging children to work together, communicate, and develop important social skills.

Option C suggests that children can make crafts that can be sold to other people. While this could potentially foster an entrepreneurial spirit in children, it doesn't directly promote social interactions or the development of social skills.

Option D states that children cannot learn art through individual lessons. This option is incorrect and unrelated to the social benefits of art.

In summary, option B is the most appropriate answer because it emphasizes the social aspect of art, where children can interact and learn social skills like sharing and taking turns during art activities.