A cube has a density of 2200kg/m3 while at rest in the laboratory. What is the cube's density as measured by an experimenter in the laboratory as the cube moves through the laboratory at 81.0{\rm \\%} of the speed of light in a direction perpendicular to one of its faces?

To solve this problem, we need to consider the relativistic effects on the density as the cube moves through the laboratory at 81.0% of the speed of light.

Let's denote the rest density as ρ₀ and the measured density as ρ.

According to the theory of special relativity, the measured density ρ can be calculated using the Lorentz factor γ:

γ = 1 / sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2)

where v is the velocity of the cube and c is the speed of light in a vacuum.

Given that the velocity of the cube is 81.0% of the speed of light, v = 0.81c.

Substituting the values into the equation, we have:

γ = 1 / sqrt(1 - (0.81c)^2/c^2)

Simplifying further:

γ = 1 / sqrt(1 - 0.81^2)

γ = 1 / sqrt(1 - 0.6561)

γ = 1 / sqrt(0.3439)

γ ≈ 1 / 0.586

γ ≈ 1.706

Now, the measured density ρ can be related to the rest density ρ₀ by the equation:

ρ = γ * ρ₀

Substituting the value of γ into the equation, we have:

ρ = 1.706 * 2200 kg/m^3

ρ ≈ 3753.2 kg/m^3

Therefore, the density of the cube as measured by the experimenter in the laboratory, as it moves through the laboratory at 81.0% of the speed of light, is approximately 3753.2 kg/m^3.

To determine the cube's density as measured by an experimenter in the laboratory, we need to take into account the effects of relativistic motion. As an object moves at velocities close to the speed of light, its mass increases due to relativistic effects. This phenomenon is described by the concept of relativistic mass.

The relativistic mass (m') of an object in motion can be calculated using the relativistic mass formula:

m' = m / sqrt(1 - (v^2 / c^2))

m' is the relativistic mass,
m is the rest mass (density times volume),
v is the velocity of the object, and
c is the speed of light.

In this case, the cube's rest density is given as 2200 kg/m^3. Let's assume the cube has a volume of V m^3. Therefore, the cube's rest mass (m) is given by:

m = density (ρ) * volume (V)
m = 2200 kg/m^3 * V

Now, we need to calculate the relativistic mass (m'). We are given that the cube is moving at 81.0% of the speed of light (v = 0.81c). Substituting the values into the relativistic mass formula, we get:

m' = (2200 kg/m^3 * V) / sqrt(1 - (0.81^2))

To determine the cube's density as measured by the experimenter, we need to consider that the volume (V') of the cube will contract in the direction of motion, according to the Lorentz contraction formula:

V' = V * sqrt(1 - (v^2 / c^2))

Substituting the values, we can calculate V':

V' = V * sqrt(1 - (0.81^2))

Finally, we can calculate the density (ρ') measured by the experimenter:

ρ' = m' / V'
ρ' = ((2200 kg/m^3 * V) / sqrt(1 - (0.81^2))) / (V * sqrt(1 - (0.81^2)))

Simplifying the equation, the volume factor cancels out:

ρ' = 2200 kg/m^3 / sqrt(1 - (0.81^2))

Calculating the final result would involve numerical calculations.