When wire is selling at $.0125 a foot, how many feet can you buy for $1.00?

1/0.0125 = ?

To find out how many feet of wire you can buy for $1.00 when it is priced at $0.0125 per foot, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide $1.00 by $0.0125 to calculate how many feet of wire $1.00 can buy.
$1.00 ÷ $0.0125 = 80

Step 2: Therefore, you can buy 80 feet of wire for $1.00.

To find out how many feet of wire you can buy for $1.00 when the wire is priced at $0.0125 per foot, you need to divide the total money you have by the cost per foot of the wire.

To calculate this:
1. Take the total amount of money you have, which is $1.00.
2. Divide this amount by the cost per foot of the wire, which is $0.0125.

Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

$1.00 / $0.0125 = 80 feet

Therefore, you can buy 80 feet of wire for $1.00.