Word box: I have Intimidate liberate logical misrepresent optional and variable left

10. her arguement was so ______ that she convinced us that her solution to the math problem was the correct one


6. You may like to live where the sun shines all the time, but I prefer a more ____ climate



16.We can hold down the cost of the new car we want to buy by not ordering __ features


Our truth in advertising laws are designed to discourage manufacturers from ___- the virtues of their products.

What does this sentence mean?

Truth in advertising laws try to make sure that commercials and ads are honest.

I have intimidate misrepresent and liberate left

Would it be liberate?

No -- liberate means to free.


Many older residents of paris can still recall the day in 1944 when ALlied troops ___ the city from German occupation

Its either intimidate or liberate