Which was not a sign of a religious resurgence in the 1950s?

A. adding "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance

B. posting the Ten Commandments in federal buildings

C. adopting "in God we trust" as the national motto

D. using the media to deliver religious messages from evangelists

I have no clue.. help? website?

Probably B since there have been the Ten Commandments in federal buildings for a long time.


Thank you

You're welcome, Sadie.

To find the answer to your question, you can start by conducting a search on a reliable search engine with the keyword "religious resurgence in the 1950s." This will provide you with several sources that discuss this topic. One trustworthy website you can consider for such information is Encyclopedia Britannica (www.britannica.com).

Once you access a reliable source, search for information about the signs of religious resurgence in the 1950s. Read through the content and look for clues that pertain to each of the options provided in your question.

A. Adding "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance: This is a significant event that took place during the 1950s. It reflects the influence of religion on American society and can be considered a sign of religious resurgence.

B. Posting the Ten Commandments in federal buildings: This could also be a sign of religious resurgence as it represents a visible display of religious beliefs in public spaces.

C. Adopting "in God we trust" as the national motto: This happened in the 1950s and can be seen as a sign of religious resurgence as well.

D. Using the media to deliver religious messages from evangelists: This is a common practice for spreading religious messages, and it is also possible that it was used during the religious resurgence in the 1950s.

By analyzing the provided options, it seems that each of them could be a sign of religious resurgence in the 1950s. Therefore, the correct answer cannot be determined without further information. However, you can consult reliable sources to obtain a more definitive answer.