If a doctor practices alone, rather than with other physicians, he or she is necessarily a(n)

A. sole proprietor.
B. general practitioner.
C. associate doctor.
D. professional corporation.
I think it is B


If a doctor practices alone, rather than with other physicians, he or she is necessarily a(n)

A. sole proprietor.
B. general practitioner.
C. associate doctor.
D. professional corporation.


No. I've checked your answers twice. Now you're on your own.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options:

A. Sole proprietor: A sole proprietor is an individual who owns and operates a business entirely by themselves. While this option could be applicable to a doctor who practices alone, it is not necessarily the only answer.

B. General practitioner: A general practitioner is a doctor who provides primary care and does not specialize in a specific branch of medicine. While a doctor practicing alone may be a general practitioner, it is not the only possibility.

C. Associate doctor: An associate doctor is a term typically used when a doctor is employed by another physician or medical practice. Since the question states that the doctor practices alone, this option does not align with the given scenario.

D. Professional corporation: A professional corporation is a legal structure in which professionals, such as doctors, organize their practice into a corporate entity. This structure allows for shared ownership and management among the professionals. While this could potentially be an option, it is not necessarily the answer.

Based on the provided options and the given scenario, the most suitable answer is likely B. General practitioner. However, it is important to note that the question does not explicitly state that the doctor practices general medicine. Therefore, the answer cannot be determined with absolute certainty, but B would be the most logical choice in this context.