Jillian, a stay-at-home mother, watches a lot of daytime television. During the day, Charmin toilet paper runs lots of television ads. Jillian always smiles when she sees these ads because they have so many cute babies on them. When Jillian is shopping at her local market, she finds herself smiling when she is in the toilet paper section, especially when she is near the Charmin toilet paper. ___________ is the conditioned stimulus and ___________ is the conditioned response in the above example.


In the above example, the conditioned stimulus is the television ads for Charmin toilet paper, while the conditioned response is Jillian smiling when she is near the Charmin toilet paper in the market.

To understand how the conditioned stimulus and response were formed, we need to look at classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which a previously neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus, leading to a conditioned response.

In this case, the unconditioned stimulus is the presence of cute babies in the Charmin toilet paper ads. Initially, this stimulus alone does not elicit any response from Jillian. However, when it is repeatedly paired with the conditioned stimulus, which is the television ads for Charmin toilet paper, the cute babies become associated with the ads in Jillian's mind.

As Jillian watches the ads on daytime television, she sees the cute babies along with the Charmin logo or packaging, creating an association between the two. Over time, this pairing leads to the formation of the conditioned stimulus, where the television ads alone (without the babies) can elicit a response in the form of a smile from Jillian.

As a result, when Jillian is shopping and she sees the Charmin toilet paper, which now acts as a conditioned stimulus, it triggers the conditioned response of her smiling. This response has been acquired through the repeated pairing of the conditioned stimulus (television ads) with the unconditioned stimulus (cute babies), creating the learned association.

What do you think prompts Jillian to smile in the toilet paper aisle?

CS is what causes the learned response, and the response is the CR.