Would one country impose an embargo on another to improve relations or to punish it? I'm pretty sure it's to improve relations. Can anyone verify that?


Nope. I suggest you look up embargo in a dictionary.


I did. So instead would it be "to punish it"?

Right. Embargos try to prohibit trade to and from the country; the purpose is to punish the country.


You're welcome.

The most obvious example of how an embargo hurts a country is to see how Cuba is affected by the US embargo.


To verify whether a country would impose an embargo on another to improve relations or to punish it, we can turn to reliable sources of information such as academic research, government statements, or experts' opinions. Let's explore the process to find an answer.

1. Academic Research: Scholarly articles and books analyzing the motivations behind embargoes can provide insights. Access scholarly databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or academic libraries to find relevant studies. Use keywords such as "embargo," "international relations," "sanctions," and "motivations" to locate relevant research.

2. Government Statements: Explore official statements or policy documents of countries that have imposed embargoes. Look for statements explaining the rationale behind the embargo and whether it aims to improve relations or punish the targeted country. Governments often release official statements to justify their actions.

3. Expert Opinions: Consult experts in fields like international relations, diplomatic studies, or political science. Scholars or analysts who specialize in studying embargoes and international relations can provide informed perspectives on the topic. Search for expert interviews, articles, or opinion pieces in reputable news sources or journals.

Analyzing these sources should provide a more accurate understanding of whether countries use embargoes to improve relations or to punish other nations. While this process takes time and requires critical evaluation of different sources, it should help verify your initial assumption.