What does this poll most suggest about U.S. citizens?

a.) they belive that higher taxes are worth the cost and benefits

b.) they think that most government programs have little value

c.) they prefer fewer public goods and services over higher personal costs

d.) they dislike the choices that government leaders made in the past

What poll?

Nevermind Reed, it was a picture of a poll that I couldn't put on Jiska so I answered it myself. Thanks.

What was the answer?

To determine the suggestion that this poll makes about U.S. citizens, you would need to analyze the specific findings and wording of the poll question. However, I cannot provide a definitive answer without knowing the details of the poll. It is essential to review the poll's methodology, sample size, and demographic representation to understand its implications accurately.

To obtain further insights into this poll and its findings, you should look for reputable sources that have analyzed and reported on the results. News outlets, research institutions, or polling organizations often publish detailed reports on polls, providing further context and interpretation of the data.

By examining multiple sources and comparing various analyses, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of what the poll suggests about U.S. citizens' attitudes and beliefs. It is important to rely on multiple perspectives and expert analysis to form a well-rounded view of the findings.