jerry sold 7/20 of the total number of tickets that were sold for the spring band concert what percent of the total number of tickets did jerry sell


Thanks, Ms. Sue, that really help. Just in case anyone doesn't know what the answer to that is, it's 35. =3

Sorry, *HELPED.

Well, if Jerry sold 7 out of 20 tickets, that means he sold 35% of the total number of tickets. Or in other words, Jerry did a solid 65% job of not selling tickets. Looks like someone needs to work on their ticket-selling skills!

To find the percentage of the total number of tickets that Jerry sold, you need to divide the number of tickets he sold by the total number of tickets, and then multiply the result by 100.

Given that Jerry sold 7/20 of the total number of tickets, let's assume the total number of tickets sold for the spring band concert is "x".

So the number of tickets Jerry sold would be (7/20) * x.

To find the percentage in decimal form, divide the number of tickets Jerry sold by the total number of tickets:

(7/20) * x / x

Simplify the equation:


Now, to express it as a percentage, multiply the result by 100:

(7/20) * 100 = 35

Therefore, Jerry sold 35% of the total number of tickets.

100(7/20) = _________%
