Calculate the pH and identify as acidic, basic,or neutral

1. H= 1.10 * 10^-11 M
Answer: pH=11, basic
2. H= 2.61 * 10^-2 M
Answer: pH:1.58, acidic
3. OH= 4.0 * 10^-9 M
pH: 8.39, basic

For 1 the pH for (H^+) of 1.10E-11 is 10.95. I would not round that to 11.

2 is ok.
3 is not right. pOH is 8.39 which makes pH = 14-8.39 = ? and since pH < 7 it is acidic.

To calculate the pH and determine whether a solution is acidic, basic, or neutral, we need to use the concept of pH. The pH scale measures the acidity or basicity of a solution on a scale of 0-14. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is basic.

1. To calculate the pH when given the concentration of H+ ions (also called hydrogen ions), we can use the equation: pH = -log[H+].
Using the given concentration of H = 1.10 * 10^-11 M, we can plug it into the equation: pH = -log(1.10 * 10^-11) ≈ 11.
Since the calculated pH is greater than 7, the solution is basic.

2. To calculate the pH from the concentration of H+ ions, we can again use the equation: pH = -log[H+].
Using the given concentration of H = 2.61 * 10^-2 M, we can calculate the pH: pH = -log(2.61 * 10^-2) ≈ 1.58.
Since the calculated pH is less than 7, the solution is acidic.

3. To calculate the pH when given the concentration of OH- ions (also called hydroxide ions), we can use the equation: pOH = -log[OH-], and then convert it to pH. The sum of pH and pOH is always 14.
Using the given concentration of OH = 4.0 * 10^-9 M, we can calculate the pOH: pOH = -log(4.0 * 10^-9) ≈ 8.39.
Now, subtracting the pOH from 14, we get pH = 14 - 8.39 ≈ 5.61.
Since the calculated pH is less than 7, the solution is basic.