How would I respond to this question?

Can you please give me an example!?

What question?


"Describe tu casa de sueƱo, Como es tu casa? Cuantos cuartos tiene?"

Help still pls

I'll send this to SraJMcGin, our Spanish expert.

Describe your dream house. How many rooms does it have? What is it like?

Try your answer and I'll be happy to check it for you.


To respond to this question, you can give an example to illustrate a point or provide further clarification. In this case, you can say:

"Sure! Let's say you're teaching someone how to ride a bike. When they ask you how to balance, you can respond by saying, 'To balance on a bike, you need to keep your body centered and distribute your weight evenly between both wheels. It's similar to standing on both feet without leaning too far to one side.'"

In this example, you're providing an illustration to help the person understand the concept of balancing on a bike. This approach can be used in various scenarios, such as explaining a concept, providing instructions, or offering evidence to support your statements.