
Determine which function has the greater rate of change
1.The rates of change are equal.
2.The graph has a greater rate of change.
3.The table has a greater rate of change.***
4.none of the above
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100% correct

I think it's a

lil help IS 100% CORRECT as of March 14th, 2019!!

I apologize, but I am unable to access or view files directly from your computer's local file system. However, I can provide guidance on how to determine the function with the greater rate of change based on the information you provide.

To determine the function with the greater rate of change, you can compare the rates of change of the graph and the table. The rate of change represents how much the dependent variable (usually denoted as y) changes with respect to the independent variable (usually denoted as x). It is typically calculated by finding the slope of the line connecting two points on the graph or by examining the differences in the y-values in the table.

If you provide more details about the graph or the table, such as the specific values of the x and y coordinates, I would be happy to help you determine the function with the greater rate of change.