Where do I add parentheses to make this expression equal a 1 when it is simplified?

6 + 9 / 3 - 2

When this expression is simplified w/o any parentheses, it equals 7.
I just need to know where to put the parentheses so that it will equal 1.
And we have to use the ORDER OF OPERATION.

[6 + 9 / 3] - 2

How does that work?

try 6+[9/3 - 2] try that to see if it works....^^

does / mean dividing?


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Where do I put parenthesis for6+6÷6+6×6=6

To make the expression equal to 1, you need to strategically place parentheses around certain operators to change the order of operations. Since we have to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS), parentheses can help us control the sequence of operations. Let's break down the original expression and reposition the parentheses:

Expression: 6 + 9 / 3 - 2

Currently, the expression is evaluated as:
1. 9 / 3 = 3
2. 6 + 3 = 9
3. 9 - 2 = 7

To make it equal to 1, you need to adjust the order of operations. Let's try different placements of parentheses:

1. (6 + 9) / (3 - 2)
This adds parentheses around the addition and subtraction. It will give us:
1. (6 + 9) = 15
2. (3 - 2) = 1
3. 15 / 1 = 15

2. 6 + (9 / (3 - 2))
Here, we added parentheses around the subtraction only. It will be evaluated as:
1. (3 - 2) = 1
2. (9 / 1) = 9
3. 6 + 9 = 15

Unfortunately, with these placements of parentheses, we cannot achieve a simplified expression that equals 1. In this specific expression, using parentheses in different placements as described will not yield a result of 1.