2. What can be concluded about the female character referred to in these lines? "Make one," said Anthony. "Take her for a walk in the park, or a straw ride, or walk home with her from church Chance! Pshaw!" "You don't know the social mill, dad. [ She's part of the stream that turns it. Every hour and minute of her time is arranged for days in advance." (from "Mammon and the Archer" by O. Henry

A. She is a leading participant in social activities.
B. She has no time to spare from her work at a mill.
C. She has to work hard to earn a living.
D. She is dull with no time for romance


To determine what can be concluded about the female character in the given lines, let's analyze the context and the information provided.

In the lines, Anthony suggests various activities to the female character, including taking her for a walk in the park, a straw ride, or walking home with her from church. However, the female character responds by saying, "You don't know the social mill, dad. [She's part of the stream that turns it. Every hour and minute of her time is arranged for days in advance."

From this, we can conclude that the female character is heavily involved in social activities and obligations. She mentions the "social mill," which refers to a metaphorical wheel or mechanism that drives the social scene. The fact that "every hour and minute of her time is arranged for days in advance" suggests that she is in high demand and has a busy schedule.

Based on this information, the most appropriate conclusion would be that A. She is a leading participant in social activities. She is described as being part of the stream that turns the social mill, indicating her active involvement in social events.

see the question directly below