The volume inside a rectangular storage room is 2,025 cubic feet. The room is 9 feet high. Find the area of the floor.

v = Bh

9B = 2025

To find the area of the floor of a rectangular storage room, we need to know the volume and the height of the room.

In this case, we are given the volume of the room, which is 2,025 cubic feet, and the height of the room, which is 9 feet.

The volume of a rectangular room can be calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height. Let's assume the length of the room is 'l', the width is 'w', and the height is 'h'.

So, we have the equation:
l * w * h = 2,025

We also know that the height of the room is 9 feet:
h = 9

Plugging in the value of 'h' into the equation, we have:
l * w * 9 = 2,025

Now, we can rearrange the equation to solve for the area of the floor:
l * w = 2,025 / 9
l * w = 225

So, the area of the floor of the rectangular storage room is 225 square feet.