Renee is twice as old as Dana. Four years ago Renee was three times as old as Dana. How old are Renee and Dana now?

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Dana ---- x
Renee --- 2x

4 years ago:
Dana = x-4
Renee = 2x-4
"Four years ago Renee was three times as old as Dana" ---> 2x-4 = 2(x-4)

solve for x, very straight-forward

Let's assume Renee's current age is "R" and Dana's current age is "D".

We are given two pieces of information:

1. Renee is twice as old as Dana: R = 2D
2. Four years ago, Renee was three times as old as Dana: (R - 4) = 3(D - 4)

To solve this system of equations, we can substitute the value of R from the first equation into the second equation:

(2D - 4) = 3(D - 4)

Simplifying the equation:

2D - 4 = 3D - 12
-D = -8
D = 8

Now, we can substitute the value of D back into the first equation to find R:

R = 2D
R = 2(8)
R = 16

Therefore, Renee is currently 16 years old and Dana is currently 8 years old.