In the excerpt from Hard Times, Dickens refers to an “adversary.” What is the meaning of this word? In the context of the final paragraph of the excerpt, who or what is the adversary being discussed?

An adversary is generally considered to be a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks.

You have the definition right. Now -- who in "Hard Times" is the adversary?

Stephen Blackpool ?

or Charles Dickens ?

Please copy the paragraph in which "adversary" appears in your excerpt.

I don't see it :(

Is it Bounderby?

To determine the meaning of the term "adversary" in the context of the final paragraph of the excerpt from Hard Times, we need to look at the surrounding details and analyze the text. Let's break it down to find the answer.

1. Access the final paragraph of the excerpt from Hard Times.
2. Read the surrounding sentences around the word "adversary" to understand the context in which it is used.
3. Look for any clues that provide information on who or what the adversary might be.
4. Analyze the overall theme and storyline of the excerpt to make an informed inference.

By carefully following these steps, you will be able to decipher who or what the specific adversary being discussed is in the final paragraph of the excerpt.