Computers make calculations incredibly quickly. intransitive or *transitive verb*?

They perform many tasks that people often find boring and difficult. transitive or *intransitive*?

Yes, "make" is transitive.

Both verbs in the second sentence are transitive.

oh ok. thanks so much:)

You're welcome.

Both make and perform are transitive.

Transitive verbs take direct objects after them.

computers make calculations incredibly fast is it transitive or intransitive

To determine whether "make" is used as an intransitive or transitive verb in the sentence "Computers make calculations incredibly quickly," we need to consider the structure of the sentence:

Intransitive verb: An intransitive verb does not require an object to complete its meaning. It can stand alone in a sentence without affecting any other word.

Transitive verb: A transitive verb requires an object to complete its meaning. It affects or acts upon something or someone.

In the given sentence, "make" is used as a transitive verb because it is followed by the noun "calculations." The verb "make" acts upon or affects the calculations, making it a transitive verb. Therefore, "make" is a transitive verb in this sentence.

Similarly, in the sentence "They perform many tasks that people often find boring and difficult," the verb "perform" is used as a transitive verb. It is followed by the noun "tasks," indicating that it acts upon or affects the tasks. Therefore, "perform" is also a transitive verb in this sentence.

Both sentences use transitive verbs since they are followed by direct objects ("calculations" and "tasks," respectively).