Each human hand has 27 bones. There are 6 more bones in the fingers than in the wrist. There are 3 fewer bones in the palm than in the wrist. How many bones are in each part of the wrist?

Wrist =8

Fingers = 14

Palm = 5

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To solve this problem, let's assume that the number of bones in the wrist is "x".

According to the given information, there are 6 more bones in the fingers than in the wrist. Therefore, the number of bones in the fingers would be "x + 6".

Similarly, there are 3 fewer bones in the palm than in the wrist. So, the number of bones in the palm would be "x - 3".

Now we can add up the bones in each part of the hand to get the total number of bones in the hand.

Total bones in the hand = Bones in the wrist + Bones in the fingers + Bones in the palm

Since each human hand has 27 bones, we can write the equation as:

27 = x + (x + 6) + (x - 3)

Now let's solve the equation:

27 = x + x + 6 + x - 3
27 = 3x + 3

Subtracting 3 from both sides gives:

24 = 3x

Dividing both sides by 3 gives:

8 = x

So, there are 8 bones in the wrist, 8 + 6 = 14 bones in the fingers, and 8 - 3 = 5 bones in the palm.



f+p+w = 27
(w+6)+(w-3)+w = 27
3w+3 = 27
3w = 24
w = 8

So, the wrist has 8 bones. Now find the values for the other two parts of the hand.