1. A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to trade and security. The main foreign policy position opposed to this American policy is called

A. imperialism.
B. militarism.
C. isolationism.
D. federalism.



Why did you repost this?


Sorry I couldn't find that page and thought that I should ask once more sorry.

One way to find old posts is to click on your name.


3. If you were a specialist working for the National Security Agency, your main job would likely be

A. analyzing and breaking coded messages.
B. working in the field to carry out covert operations.
C. analyzing data from spy satellites.
D. electronic surveillance.

My sister said she would choose D,that's what I had in mind.

There's not enough information in your question to answer this intelligently. See all of the various jobs available in this agency.


4. Which one of the following individuals would be most likely to vote?

A. A 50-year-old corporate executive who holds a master's degree in business
B. A 30-year-old college graduate who has just moved to a new state
C. A 19-year-old high school graduate who likes to complain about the government
D. A 22-year-old computer programmer


This isn't a good question. It could be any of the choices given, depending on what your specialty is. The NSA does all of the above. But D may be the "correct" answer.

Although I believe the CIA does more covert operations than NSA, but the NSA oversees the CIA, so...

You're probably right about the voter, but I don't have the statistics to prove it.