You work in the Human Resources department of your organization. You have been charged with recruiting a manager for a department within the Services division. The Vice-President of the Services division stresses to you that "This department hasn’t had a good manager in years. I need someone who can take charge, organize things, and get people motivated and working again

What is your question? How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

You work in the Human Resources department of your organization. You have been charged with recruiting a manager for a department within the Services division. The Vice-President of the Services division stresses to you that "This department hasn’t had a good manager in years. I need someone who can take charge, organize things, and get people motivated and working again."

Based on her comments/expectations and your knowledge of management functions, behaviors and skills, draft the following:

A list of five to ten questions that you will use during the interview process that go beyond the information you can gain from the candidate's application or resume. These should give you insight into why the candidate can fulfill the requirements outlined by the HR manager.
A description of the types of characteristics and experience that you will look for in the candidate. Be specific, include the various management functions and roles that this individual must have experience with as well as the skills they must possess to be effective.

As the Human Resources representative tasked with recruiting a manager for the department within the Services division, your goal is to find a candidate who can meet the specific requirements outlined by the Vice-President. In this case, the emphasis is on leadership skills, organizational abilities, and the ability to motivate and engage employees.

To find the right candidate who can fulfill these requirements, here are the steps you can take:

1. Clearly define the job requirements: Start by understanding the key responsibilities and expectations of the role. Collaborate with the Vice-President and relevant stakeholders to define the skills, qualifications, and experience necessary for success in this position. This will set the foundation for identifying potential candidates.

2. Develop a compelling job description: Based on the job requirements, create a job description that clearly outlines the role, responsibilities, and desired qualifications. Highlight the essential skills mentioned by the Vice-President, such as organization, leadership, and motivation.

3. Utilize targeted recruitment strategies: Tailor your recruitment efforts to attract candidates who possess the necessary skills and experience. This may include posting the job advertisement on industry-specific job boards, attending relevant networking events, or reaching out to professional associations.

4. Screen resumes and applications: Review the received resumes and applications to identify candidates who possess the required skills and experience. Look for keywords and relevant experience that align with the desired qualities.

5. Conduct structured interviews: Select candidates for further assessment through structured interviews. Prepare a list of behavioral and situational questions that allow candidates to demonstrate their ability to lead, organize, and motivate others. Use a consistent scoring system to evaluate the responses objectively.

6. Assess leadership competencies: Consider using assessment tools or exercises that specifically evaluate leadership skills. This could include case studies, group discussions, or simulations that simulate real-life scenarios to assess the candidate's ability to take charge, organize, and motivate a team.

7. Check references: Contact the references provided by the candidates to gather insights into their past performance and leadership abilities. This step can help validate their claims and provide a comprehensive view of their capabilities.

8. Involve relevant stakeholders: Engage the relevant stakeholders, such as team members or other managers, in the decision-making process. Obtain their input and feedback to ensure that the candidate is the right fit for the team and can positively impact morale and productivity.

By following these steps, you can systematically identify and select a manager who possesses the required leadership, organizational, and motivational skills, enabling them to address the challenges faced by the department.