How can we find the value in decimal stored in the AC register, after executing the MARIE program

To find the value in decimal stored in the AC register after executing the MARIE program, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the MARIE architecture: MARIE (Machine Architecture that is Really Intuitive and Easy) is a simplified computer architecture designed for educational purposes. It consists of the Accumulator (AC) register, which stores data in binary format.

2. Identify the instruction that stores the desired value in the AC register: Look for instructions in the MARIE program that modify the AC register. These instructions might include LOAD, STORE, ADD, SUBT, or other operations that interact with the AC register.

3. Simulate the program execution: If you have a MARIE simulator or emulator software, use it to execute the MARIE program step by step. If not, you can simulate the execution in your mind or on paper.

4. Follow the execution flow: During the simulation, track the values being loaded into or stored from the AC register. Note down any operations that affect the AC register and keep updating the value stored in it accordingly.

5. Convert the binary value to decimal: Once you have completed the execution of the MARIE program and have the final value in the AC register, convert it from binary to decimal. In MARIE, numbers are typically represented using a fixed number of bits (e.g., 16 bits). Use a binary-to-decimal converter or conversion method to obtain the decimal value.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the value in decimal stored in the AC register after executing the MARIE program.