Please help me make sure that I am using my vocabulary words correctly to explain the problem. Thank you!!!

8). The Quadratic Formula a^2 - 6 a + 9 = 0

Then I completed the square-------(a-3)(a-3) = 0

a = 3 or a = 3, in other words the vertex is on the x axis

8). The polynomial for which you wish to find zeros is

a^2 - 6 a + 9 = 0

Then I factored

(a-3)(a-3) = 0

a = 3 or a = 3, in other words the vertex is on the x axis
You could have completed the square (but it is already completed):
a^2 - 6 a = -9

a^2 - 6 a + (6/2)^2 = - 9 +(6/2)^2

(a-3)^2 = 0

a = 3 or 3
You could have used the quadratic equation

x = [-b +/- sqrt(b^2-4ac) ]/2a

x = [ 6 +/- sqrt (36 -36) ]/2

x = [ 6 +/- 0 ]/2

x = 3