1.You roll a number cube numbered one to six 12 times. P(5) = two over three. What type of probability is illustrated and why? (1 point)

experimental; the result is based on the number of possible outcomes
experimental; the result is found by repeating an experiment
theoretical; the result is based on the number of possible outcomes
theoretical; the result is found by repeating an experiment
I think it's B.

yes you are correct


No problem

LOL - if it came out 2/3, it is certainly not theoretical !

To determine the type of probability illustrated in this scenario, we need to analyze the given information.

The probability P(5) represents the probability of rolling a 5 on the number cube. According to the question, P(5) is equal to two-thirds.

Here's how we can determine the type of probability:

If the result is based on the number of possible outcomes, it is a theoretical probability.

If the result is found by repeating an experiment, it is an experimental probability.

In this case, we are rolling the number cube 12 times, repeating an experiment, to determine the probability. Therefore, the correct answer is:

experimental; the result is found by repeating an experiment (Option B)