Please translate:

-en cuanto
-en caso de que
-leugo que
-despues *accent on 'e'

We'll be glad to check your answers.

en cuanto = as soon as

en caso de que = in case, in the event that
luego que = then that
después = after

Buena suerte!!

To translate the given phrases from Spanish to English, we can use various online translation tools or dictionaries. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to use a translation tool to get the translations:

1. Open an online translation tool or a bilingual dictionary (such as Google Translate or WordReference).
2. Enter the first phrase "en cuanto" into the translation tool's search bar.
3. Select "Spanish to English" as the translation direction.
4. Press enter or click the translate button.
5. The translation should appear on the screen. In this case, "en cuanto" translates to "as soon as" in English.

Repeat the same steps for the other phrases:

1. "en caso de que" translates to "in case" or "if" in English.
2. "luego que" translates to "after" or "then" in English.
3. "después" translates to "after" or "later" in English.

Remember, using online translation tools can be helpful, but it's also important to verify the accuracy of translations and consider the context in which the phrases are being used.