What is Nunavut's nickname and motto?

Scroll down to the weather section of this site for Nunavut's nickname.

(Broken Link Removed)

This site has its motto.


What is nunavuts nickname!!!

To find Nunavut's nickname, you can scroll down to the weather section on a website that provides information about Nunavut. However, the link you provided is broken, so I'll provide an alternative way to find the answer.

To find Nunavut's nickname, you can search for "Nunavut nickname" on a search engine like Google. This will likely lead you to websites or articles that provide the information you are looking for.

As for Nunavut's motto, you can visit the website you provided (http://homeschooling.about.com/library/blcanumotto.htm). The website specifically mentions that it has information about Nunavut's motto. You can click on the link to access the page and find the answer to your question.