Permission related expressions

1. You may/can go back home now.
2. You were permitted to join the club.
3. You were allowed to go hunting with us.

(Are they grammatical? Would you name some other expressions related to 'permission'?)

can = to be able

may = to have permission

You may go back home now.
He might be going home now. (past, possibility)

may, permit, allow -- these are the basic words for giving permission. There are a few more here, but should be used very carefully. They are not exact synonyms!

Yes, the expressions you provided are grammatically correct examples related to permission. Here are a few more expressions:

1. You have my blessing to proceed.
2. You are welcome to use my car.
3. You are granted access to the restricted area.
4. Feel free to ask for help whenever you need it.
5. I give you permission to take the day off.

These expressions convey the idea of giving someone permission or granting them the ability to do something. Depending on the context, there can be variations in how permission is expressed, but these examples should give you a good starting point.