How were angels crated?

They were probably crated in boxes and then shipped via UPS.

There doesn't seem to be any one right answer to this question. So read many of these search results and let us know what you decide.

To answer your question about how angels were created, we need to turn to religious beliefs and texts, particularly within Abrahamic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. According to these religions, angels were created by God or Allah.

However, it is important to note that this is a matter of faith and spirituality, and there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of angels. Different religious texts describe various characteristics and roles for angels, but specifics about their creation can vary.

To further explore this topic, I recommend referring to religious texts such as the Bible (Christianity), the Qur'an (Islam), or other sacred texts of your specific religious tradition. These texts provide insights into the beliefs and narratives surrounding the creation of angels in their respective religions. Additionally, consulting with religious leaders or scholars within your faith can offer further guidance and understanding on this matter.