What are some things you can inherit from your parents?


family mementos
the cabin at the lake
their house


You can inherit their money or house.

You can inherit their eyes, nose, etc.
- valuable possessions
What else can you think of?

Genetically transmitted diseases, like Sickle-cell anemia.

When it comes to inheritance from parents, we commonly think of two categories:

1. Genetic Inheritance: This refers to the traits and characteristics you inherit from your parents through your genes. These traits are determined by your DNA and are passed down from generation to generation. Some examples of genetic inheritance include:

- Physical features: Your eye color, hair color, height, facial structure, and body type.
- Potential health conditions: Certain genetic disorders, predispositions to diseases, or even general health tendencies.
- Abilities or talents: Some abilities like musical talent, athletic prowess, or artistic skills can be influenced by genetics.

2. Environmental Inheritance: Apart from genetic factors, we also inherit certain things from our parents due to the environments we are raised in. These include:

- Values and beliefs: Our parents' attitudes, cultural practices, and moral values shape our own perspectives and behavior as we grow up.
- Language and communication styles: The language we speak and the way we communicate are learned from our parents and family environment.
- Knowledge and skills: Our parents' education background, intellectual stimulation, and teachings contribute to our own knowledge base and capabilities.

It's important to note that while genetics play a significant role, environmental factors and individual life experiences also contribute to shaping who we are as individuals.