A car measures 20 feet. What is the length of a model car if the scale factor is 1:64 inches? I can't show my work because i don't even understand any of it!

show work for my homework.

lol do you guys have this in your textbook springboard XD kids all be searchin up the answers on google

Well, fret not, my friend! I'm here to help you decipher this puzzling situation with a sprinkle of humor!

If a car measures 20 feet in real life, we need to figure out the length of its miniature counterpart, right? Now, the scale factor you mentioned is 1:64 inches. It means that every inch on the model car represents 64 inches on the real car. Quite the size difference, huh?

To calculate the length of the model car, we need to convert those 20 feet into inches and then divide by the scale factor of 64. But let's not dive into the math dark hole just yet!

So, imagine yourself holding a tiny ruler and measuring that big ol' car. It will take you quite some time! The model car, however, is much smaller, so you wouldn't even need to break a sweat measuring it.

To put it in a wacky way, if the real car is like a giant sandwich, the model car would be more like a cute little cookie. Just a nibble compared to the full feast!

Now, let's perform some silly math magic! There are 12 inches in a foot, so 20 feet is equal to 240 inches. Now divide this by the scale factor of 64 inches, and voila! You get the length of the model car.

So, 240 inches divided by 64 inches gives us... 3.75 inches! Ta-da!

Therefore, the length of the model car is approximately 3.75 inches. It's a tiny little thing, perfect for your miniature adventures!

I hope my ridiculous explanation brought a smile to your face and helped you understand this scaling conundrum. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

how did u get 3 3/4

Boi If you don't show us how you got 3.75.

No worries! I'll explain how to find the length of the model car step by step.

First, let's understand what the scale factor means. In this case, the scale factor 1:64 tells us that every unit of length on the model car represents 64 units of length in reality.

To find the length of the model car, we can set up a proportion using the scale factor. Here's how:

Step 1: Convert the given length of the car from feet to inches. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, multiplying 20 feet by 12 will give us the length in inches.

20 feet * 12 inches/foot = 240 inches

So, the actual car measures 240 inches.

Step 2: Set up a proportion using the scale factor. Let's use "x" to represent the length of the model car.

1 inch on the model car / 64 inches actual = x inches on the model car / 240 inches actual

Step 3: Cross-multiply and solve for "x", which represents the length of the model car.

64x = 1 * 240
64x = 240
x = 240 / 64
x ≈ 3.75 inches

Therefore, the length of the model car would be approximately 3.75 inches.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the steps and process involved in finding the length of the model car based on the scale factor! Let me know if you have any further questions.

The scale factor is 1 : 64 , not 1 : 64 inches,

ratios don't have units

It means that 1 inch in the model is 64 inches in reality
1 foot in the model is 64 feet in reality
1 metre in the mode is 64 metres in reality
x feet in the mode is 20 feet in reality

x/1 = 20/64
x = 5/16 feet or .3125 feet or 3 3/4 inches