I am having a hard time finding a full-sentence outline for this can anyone help me?

What would a full-sentence outline be for this thesis? Native American Indian names, mascots and logos in all sports from elementary schools to professional teams can be offensive to some people not to others.

First start with the facts you've discovered that support your thesis. In what ways are these names, etc. offensive? What do these people think about these names? Why do people who approve these names do so?

It seems to me that those are the two major points for your outline. Instead of just phrases, all you need to do is to express your points in complete sentences in your outline.

We'll be glad to check your outline if you post it.

Here is my outline can you tell me if it is any good?

I. Several organizations are say that using the Native American names and mascots are offensive, however, most Americans including American Indians believe that using Native American names and mascots are not offensive.
A. The names are not offensive
B. Using the tomahawk chop is very degrading.
C. By using mascots and logos are contributing to stereotypes.

That's just restating your thesis statement.

You could start your outline like this:

I. Thesis: Native American Indian names, mascots and logos in all sports from elementary schools to professional teams can be offensive to some people not to others.

II. Some people oppose using Native American names, mascots, and logos in sports.
. . . A. They feel it's degrading to Native Americans.
. . . . . .1.
. . . . . .2.
. . . B. Less objectionable names better represent these teams.

Thank you

Jeer full santence

Certainly! To create a full-sentence outline for your thesis statement, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by identifying the main points that support your thesis statement. In this case, the main points could be:
a. Background information on Native American Indian names, mascots, and logos in sports
b. Arguments indicating that they can be offensive to some people
c. Arguments indicating that they are not offensive to others

2. Create a complete sentence for each main point. For example:
a. Background information on Native American Indian names, mascots, and logos in sports helps provide context and understanding of the issue.
b. Some people find Native American Indian names, mascots, and logos in sports offensive due to their cultural insensitivity and perpetuation of harmful stereotypes.
c. On the other hand, proponents argue that Native American Indian names, mascots, and logos in sports honor and celebrate their culture, fostering a sense of pride and unity among fans.

3. Support each main point with relevant subpoints. For instance:
a. Background information on Native American Indian names, mascots, and logos in sports:
- Origins and historical context of using Native American imagery and symbolism in sports
- Prevalence of such representations across various sports levels

b. Arguments indicating that they can be offensive to some people:
- Cultural appropriation and the negative impact on Native American communities
- Psychological effects on individuals who feel marginalized or stereotyped by these representations

c. Arguments indicating that they are not offensive to others:
- Supporters' perspective on honoring Native American culture through team naming and imagery
- Examples of positive interactions and collaborations between teams and Native American communities

Once you have completed these steps, you will have a comprehensive full-sentence outline for your thesis statement. Remember to further develop each point and subpoint with relevant evidence and examples in your final work.