what is the rhetorical device for:

What is the difference between "sugar free" and "no sugar added"?

sugar free means no sugar at all and non sugar added means it has natural sugar nd they don't add any extra

bob do you know what the rhetorical device used is?




The rhetorical device used in the statement "What is the difference between 'sugar free' and 'no sugar added'?" is comparison/contrast. This device is commonly used to highlight the similarities and differences between two or more things in order to clarify or emphasize certain points.

To identify the rhetorical device, you can analyze the structure and purpose of the question. In this case, the question is asking for a comparison between the terms "sugar free" and "no sugar added." By examining the question, we can see that the intention is to highlight the distinctions between these two phrases.

A helpful resource for understanding rhetorical devices and their definitions is the Guide to Grammar and Writing from the College of Communication and Composition at the University of Colorado. Here is a link to their page specifically about comparison and contrast: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/composition/comparison.htm.

By exploring this resource, you can gain a deeper understanding of the rhetorical device being used and how it contributes to the overall communication of the message.