Let X be a random variable that takes non-zero values in [1,∞), with a PDF of the form

fX(x)=⎧⎩⎨cx3,0,if x≥1,otherwise.

Let U be a uniform random variable on [0,2]. Assume that X and U are independent.

What is the value of the constant c?


- unanswered


- unanswered

Find the PDF of D=1/X. Express your answer in terms of d using standard notation .

For 0≤d≤1, fD(d)=

To find the value of the constant c, we need to use the fact that the probability density function (PDF) integrates to 1 over its support. In this case, the support is [1,∞), so we have:

∫[1,∞) cx^3 dx = 1

To integrate cx^3, we increase the power by 1 and divide by the new power:

c/4 * x^4 |[1,∞) = 1

Substituting the limits of integration, we get:

c/4 * (∞^4 - 1^4) = 1

Since ∞^4 = ∞ and c/4 * (∞ - 1) = 1, we can solve for c:

c/4 * ∞ - c/4 = 1

As ∞ is not a well-defined value, we can ignore it in this case. Thus, we have:

-c/4 = 1

Solving for c, we get:

c = -4

Now let's move on to the next question.

To find P(X ≤ U), we need to calculate the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of X and evaluate it at the value of U. The CDF, F(x), gives the probability that X takes a value less than or equal to x.

First, let's find the CDF of X. Since X is non-zero in [1,∞), we can calculate it as:

F(x) = ∫[1,x] cx^3 dx

Integrating cx^3, we get:

c/4 * x^4 |[1,x] = c/4 * (x^4 - 1^4)

Evaluating the CDF at U, we have:

P(X ≤ U) = F(U) = c/4 * (U^4 - 1)

Now, let's move on to the last question.

To find the probability density function (PDF) of D = 1/X, we need to use the transformation method. The general formula for transforming a random variable is:

fD(d) = fX(g(d)) * |(dg(d)/dd)|

In this case, we have D = 1/X, so g(d) = 1/d. We also need to find |(dg(d)/dd)|, which is the absolute value of the derivative of g(d) with respect to d:

|(dg(d)/dd)| = |d(-1/d^2)/dd| = |-1/d^2| = 1/d^2

Substituting these values into the formula, we have:

fD(d) = fX(1/d) * 1/d^2

Since the PDF of X is given by fX(x) = cx^3, we can substitute 1/d for x:

fD(d) = c(1/d)^3 * 1/d^2 = c/d^5

Therefore, for 0 ≤ d ≤ 1, the PDF of D is fD(d) = c/d^5.