Where are the prpositions and what are their subjects(some of them contain more than one?

1)Chhirps of the newly hatched chicks could be heard in the corridor.

2)A plane made an emergancy landing in a corn field.

3)The elephants lumbered past us toward the water hole.

Here's a list of common prepositions.


In your sentences, I've enclosed the prepositional phrases in parentheses. The first word in each phrase is a preposition.

1)Chhirps (of the newly hatched chicks) could be heard (in the corridor).

2)A plane made an emergancy landing (in a corn field).

3)The elephants lumbered (past us) (toward the water hole).

Prepositions don't have subjects.

To identify the prepositions and their subjects in the given sentences, you can follow these steps:

1) Chirps of the newly hatched chicks could be heard in the corridor.
- The preposition in this sentence is "in."
- The subject of the preposition "in" is "corridor."

2) A plane made an emergency landing in a corn field.
- The preposition in this sentence is "in."
- The subject of the preposition "in" is "corn field."

3) The elephants lumbered past us toward the water hole.
- The prepositions in this sentence are "past" and "toward."
- The subject of the preposition "past" is "us."
- The subject of the preposition "toward" is "water hole."

By identifying the prepositions and their subjects in each sentence, you can better understand the relationship between the different parts of the sentence.