Older people are given more respect in all societies when they are (Points : 1)

no longer working.
economically productive.
living on their own.

I vote for A.

What do your text materials say?

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to analyze each option and understand the cultural and societal norms surrounding the respect given to older people in different societies.

1) No longer working: In many societies, people who have retired are often given respect for their years of contribution to the workforce and their experiences. However, there are also societies where the value placed on work and productivity may result in less respect for those who are no longer working. Therefore, respect for older people may or may not be based on their work status, depending on the cultural context.

2) Married: The marital status of older people may vary across societies, and it may not necessarily be a factor that determines the level of respect given. Respect for older people is more likely to be based on factors such as wisdom, experience, and contributions to society rather than marital status.

3) Economically productive: Some societies highly value economic productivity and wealth, so older people who are financially independent and still contribute to the economy might be given more respect. However, this may not be the case in societies that prioritize other qualities such as knowledge, wisdom, or community contribution over economic productivity.

4) Living on their own: The living arrangements of older people may vary greatly across cultures. While autonomy and independence might be valued in some societies, others might emphasize familial ties and intergenerational living arrangements. Respect for older people could be based on various factors such as wisdom, experience, and contributions to the community, rather than solely on living arrangements.

Considering these factors, it is important to note that respect for older people differs significantly among societies and cultures. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately state that one particular factor universally leads to more respect for older people. The answer to this question would depend on the cultural and societal norms of a specific society.