Factor, if possible.

36xy - 12x^2y

I see a common factor of 12xy

so ....

There is a common factor of 12xy so you first divide the whole equation by 12xy. You get 3-y. Put that in between parentheses. And put 12xy right next to in indicating that you have to multiply them. Your final answer will look like this: 12xy(3-y).

To factor the expression 36xy - 12x^2y, we can start by looking for common factors in both terms.

First, let's look at the coefficients 36 and -12. The largest common factor between them is 12. We can factor out 12:

12(3xy - x^2y)

Now, let's look at the variables "x" and "y." Both terms have "xy" in common, so we can also factor out "xy":

12xy(3 - x)

Therefore, the factored form of the expression 36xy - 12x^2y is 12xy(3 - x).