I am a singer who sings by ear. I've had some training, but not much in the way of theory. My question to you is, how do I tell what key I sing a song in. I am about to join a jazz trio and will have to know this. I do have a piano at home that I play by ear. Please help! Thank you!

You can tell the key a song is written in by looking at the sharps or flats at the beginning of each line of music. These sites explain.

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It helps if you learn the various major scales then when there's a flat in the song, you can generally hear it and assume that it may be in a different key? Listening by pitch I suppose. Hope this sort of helps...

To determine the key of a song, you can use a combination of both visual and auditory cues. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Start by looking at the sheet music or chord charts for the song. Look for any sharps (#) or flats (b) at the beginning of each line. These are called key signatures and indicate the key that the song is written in.

2. If you don't have sheet music, you can still use your piano to help you determine the key. Begin by playing the song's melody notes on the piano and listen carefully. Pay attention to where the melody seems to naturally resolve or feels "at rest." This note is often the tonic or "home" note of the key, giving you a clue about the key the song is in.

3. Once you have found the tonic note, try playing different major or minor scales starting from that note, and see which scale matches the overall mood and feel of the song. Experiment with different scales to find the one that fits best.

4. If you have a good ear for music, you can also try listening to the chord progressions used in the song. Certain chord progressions are common in specific keys, so by recognizing these patterns, you can infer the key of the song.

5. Lastly, if the song has lyrics, pay attention to the range in which you sing comfortably. The key of the song is likely to be within your vocal range, as most songs are written to accommodate the singer's voice.

Remember, having some basic knowledge of music theory, such as understanding major scales and key signatures, can greatly assist you in identifying the key of a song. Practice and experimentation will also help you develop your ear and improve your ability to determine the key by listening. Good luck with your jazz trio!