Timmy's birthday is 53 days away. Which of these is greater than 53 days?

A. 3 weeks
B. 2,400 hours
C. 1 month
D. 240 hours

I would suggest you convert each of the answers into days. For example,

3 weeks x (7 days/1 week) = 21 days
For B, there are 24 hours in 1 day
For C, there are about 30 days in a month
For D, there are 24 hours in 1 day.
But I assume you know all of those conversion factors.

240 hours


To determine which of these options is greater than 53 days, we need to convert each option to the same unit of measure (days).

A. 3 weeks: We know that 1 week consists of 7 days. Therefore, 3 weeks is equal to 3 x 7 = 21 days.

B. 2,400 hours: We know that there are 24 hours in a day, so to convert hours to days, we divide by 24. Therefore, 2,400 hours is equal to 2,400 / 24 = 100 days.

C. 1 month: Since Timmy's birthday is 53 days away, we need to consider the number of days in a month. The number of days in a month varies, so for simplicity, we'll consider the average month to be 30.4 days. Therefore, 1 month is equal to approximately 30.4 days.

D. 240 hours: Similar to option B, we need to convert hours to days by dividing by 24. Therefore, 240 hours is equal to 240 / 24 = 10 days.

Now, let's compare the options to 53 days:
A. 3 weeks = 21 days < 53 days
B. 2,400 hours = 100 days > 53 days
C. 1 month = 30.4 days < 53 days
D. 240 hours = 10 days < 53 days

Therefore, the option that is greater than 53 days is option B. 2,400 hours.