Every individual, including young people, can make decisions to use resources wisely. Use the terms reduce, reuse, and recycle to explain how the students in the image can help minimize solid waste.


Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle are known as the 3R's. These students can reduce waste by using plastic tupperware for their sandwiches and other things that they make for their lunches that can go into tupperware so that the tupperware can be reused instead of always bringing plastic bags. You can also help reduce by putting your lunch in a lunch box. You can help reuse things by bringing the stuff that i said above. You can recycle by bringing plastic silverware and other things that can be recycled.


I have the same question

Since I don't see the image, I can't help you.

I cant put the pic because it wont let me :-(

To explain how the students in the image can help minimize solid waste using the terms reduce, reuse, and recycle, we can break it down as follows:

1. Reduce: This means to decrease the amount of waste created. The students can reduce solid waste by being mindful of their consumption. For example, they can bring their own reusable water bottles instead of using disposable plastic bottles. Similarly, they can use digital resources for studying instead of printing out large quantities of paper. By reducing the use of single-use items and unnecessary waste, the students can actively contribute to minimizing solid waste.

2. Reuse: This involves finding new uses for items to extend their lifespan. The students in the image can engage in reusing practices by giving items a second chance before discarding them. Instead of throwing away old notebooks or textbooks, they can try to repurpose them by tearing out used pages and using them for rough work or sketches. Additionally, they can donate or exchange items they no longer need with their peers or donate them to local shelters and organizations.

3. Recycle: Recycling is the process of converting waste into new materials. The students can participate in recycling efforts by ensuring that recyclable items, such as plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and paper, are properly sorted and placed in designated recycling bins. They can also educate themselves about their community's recycling guidelines and learn what can and cannot be recycled. By understanding the recycling process and actively participating, the students can help divert waste from landfills and promote the creation of new materials from recycled resources.

In summary, the students in the image can minimize solid waste by following the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle. It involves conscious choices regarding consumption, finding alternative uses for items, and actively participating in recycling efforts. By practicing these methods, they can contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Nope. You're on your own for this one.