what were the two main goals of the constitution's creators?

a.create local goverments and elect a president

b.establish the 51st state and define borders

c. raise taxes to build the treasury and pay off war debts

d. protect citizens' rights and defend the country

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is it a


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is it d

Yes. It's D.

The two main goals of the Constitution's creators were to protect citizens' rights and defend the country.

To understand this, we can look at the historical context of the time. The Constitution of the United States was created in 1787 by the Founding Fathers as a replacement for the Articles of Confederation. The Founding Fathers wanted to establish a stronger central government while also ensuring that individual rights were protected.

The first goal, to protect citizens' rights, is evident in the Bill of Rights. These are the first ten amendments to the Constitution that outline specific rights and freedoms granted to individual citizens, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to a fair trial. The Founding Fathers wanted to ensure that citizens' fundamental rights were safeguarded against potential abuses of power by the government.

The second goal, to defend the country, is reflected in the Constitution's establishment of a system of checks and balances and the creation of three separate branches of government: the executive, legislative, and judicial. This division of powers was designed to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful and to ensure that each branch had the ability to oversee and limit the actions of the others. This system was intended to safeguard against tyranny and promote a more stable and secure nation.

In summary, the primary objectives of the Constitution's creators were to protect citizens' rights and establish a system of government that would defend the country.