Chad buys peanuts into pound bags Siri packages them into bags that hold 56 pounds of peanuts how many 2 pound bags of peanuts should Chad by so that he can fill the 56 pound bags without having anything that's left over

56/2 = 28

Since we need to hold 56 pounds of peanuts by buying x amount of 2 pound bags:


28 is the answer.

To find out how many 2-pound bags of peanuts Chad should buy, we need to divide the total weight of peanuts (56 pounds) by the weight of each bag (2 pounds).

The formula to calculate the number of bags is:

Number of bags = Total weight of peanuts / Weight of each bag

Plugging in the values, we have:

Number of bags = 56 pounds / 2 pounds

Dividing 56 by 2 gives us:

Number of bags = 28

Therefore, Chad should buy 28 two-pound bags of peanuts in order to fill the 56-pound bags without having any peanuts left over.