The distribution of B.A. degrees conferred by a local college is listed below, by major.

Major Frequency
English 2073

Mathematics 2164

Chemistry 318

Physics 856

Liberal Arts 1358

Business 1676

Engineering 868

What is the probability that a randomly selected degree is not in Business?

A. 0.7800
B. 0.8200
C. 0.8300
D. 0.9200

I don't see the answer I keep coming up with. Please help!!!!

To find the probability that a randomly selected degree is not in Business, we need to calculate the proportion of degrees that are not in Business out of the total number of degrees.

The total number of degrees conferred by the college is given as 9313.

The frequency of degrees in Business is 1676.

To find the frequency of degrees that are not in Business, we subtract the frequency of degrees in Business from the total number of degrees:

9313 - 1676 = 7637

Now we can calculate the probability:

Probability of a randomly selected degree not being in Business = Frequency of degrees not in Business / Total number of degrees

Probability = 7637 / 9313

Probability = 0.8200

So the correct answer is B. 0.8200

To find the probability that a randomly selected degree is not in Business, we need to calculate the proportion of degrees that are not in the Business major relative to the total number of degrees awarded.

First, we sum up the frequencies of all the majors that are not Business:

English + Mathematics + Chemistry + Physics + Liberal Arts + Engineering = 2073 + 2164 + 318 + 856 + 1358 + 868 = 7597

Then, we divide this sum by the total number of degrees awarded:

Probability = Total_not_in_Business / Total_degrees_awarded = 7597 / 9313 ≈ 0.8150

Therefore, the correct answer is not provided in the answer choices mentioned.

PATRICIA! says that the answer is E because dy/dx = the polynomial function of x.

(total - 1676)/total = ?