A woman works out by running and swimming. When she runs, she burns 7 calories per minute. When she swims, she burns 8 calories per minute. She wants to burn at least 336 calories in her workout. Write an inequality that describes the situation. Let x represent the number of minutes running and y the number of minutes swimming. Because x and y must be positive, limit the boarders to quadrant I only.

8x+7y >= 336

Unless we're discussing pirates, that's borders.

To write an inequality that describes the situation, we can add the number of calories burned while running and swimming, and set it greater than or equal to 336.

The number of calories burned while running is given by: 7x, where x represents the number of minutes running.

The number of calories burned while swimming is given by: 8y, where y represents the number of minutes swimming.

Combining both, the inequality becomes:
7x + 8y ≥ 336

Additionally, the borders are limited to the first quadrant (Quadrant I), which means both x and y must be positive values. Therefore, we need to include the constraints x > 0 and y > 0.

Hence, the final inequality is:
7x + 8y ≥ 336, with x > 0 and y > 0.