From which statement could you conclude as self important?

A. "I didn't bother making a note of it because I always do it."
B. "Maybe you thought you heard forty when I said thirty."
C. "I excelled in mathematics. He gets that from his mother."
D. " the saucer was an heirloom. It cost much more, but let it go. "
Is the answer C?
Thank you

Self-importance is an exaggerated sense of ones own value/importance.

This is kind of an opinion based question, but C and D both seem good. Personally I'd go with D since it talks about how much an heirloom is worth, but that's me. C also seems good.

Regardless of what Irving says, as a tutor, I'd agree with you for C.

D is about the importance of the saucer, not the speaker, so can't be self-important.

Agrees with above.

To determine which statement could be concluded as self-important, let's analyze each option:

A. "I didn't bother making a note of it because I always do it."
This statement does not necessarily indicate self-importance. It could simply imply a habit or confidence in one's ability.

B. "Maybe you thought you heard forty when I said thirty."
This statement does not convey self-importance. It appears to be a response to a potential miscommunication.

C. "I excelled in mathematics. He gets that from his mother."
This statement does exhibit a level of self-importance. The speaker is emphasizing their own accomplishments in mathematics and implying that their child has inherited these abilities.

D. "The saucer was an heirloom. It cost much more, but let it go."
This statement does not suggest self-importance. It seems to be explaining the value and significance of an object.

Based on the analysis, option C, "I excelled in mathematics. He gets that from his mother," can be concluded as self-important.