Write out the first 4 terms of the following sequence that is define recursively.


well, just plug and chug

a1 = 32
a2 = 1/2 (32) = 16
a3 = 1/2 (16) = 8

To find the first 4 terms of a sequence defined recursively, we will use the given recursive formula. Let's break it down step by step.

The given recursive formula is:
a1 = 32
ak+1 = 1/2ak

To find the second term (a2), we substitute k = 1 into the recursive formula:
a2 = 1/2a1
= 1/2 * 32
= 16

To find the third term (a3), we substitute k = 2 into the recursive formula:
a3 = 1/2a2
= 1/2 * 16
= 8

To find the fourth term (a4), we substitute k = 3 into the recursive formula:
a4 = 1/2a3
= 1/2 * 8
= 4

Therefore, the first four terms of the sequence defined recursively are: 32, 16, 8, 4.