blank is to vain as modest is to conceited

define the words part in the sentence: Everyone should listen to the teacher.

sorry it sounds so easy but i have trouble plz and thanks.

oh and is there any adverbs in this sentence?

Lana could not find her gloves and hat.

Please do not post your questions more than once.

blank is to vain as modest is to conceited
"Modest is the opposite of "conceited." What is the opposite of "vain"?

define the words part in the sentence: Everyone should listen to the teacher.
Use a good dictionary to find definitions:

Lana could not find her gloves and hat.
no adverbs

Ooops! Sorry!

There's one adverb in that last sentence. It is the only word that modifies the verb.


In the given sentence, "Everyone should listen to the teacher," the words can be defined as follows:

1. Everyone: A pronoun that refers to a group of people, indicating each person in the group or all people.
2. Should: Modal verb used to express an obligation, duty, or expectation. It indicates what is preferable or recommended.
3. Listen: A verb that means to pay attention to and actively hear what someone is saying or conveying.
4. To: A preposition used to connect the verb "listen" with its object, indicating the person or thing that is being listened to.
5. The: A definite article that specifies or points to a particular person or thing, in this case, the teacher.
6. Teacher: A noun that refers to a person who instructs or educates others, typically in a school or academic setting.

Putting it all together, the sentence means that there is an obligation or expectation for every person in a group to pay attention and actively hear what the specific person, referred to as "the teacher," is saying or conveying.