Ellen, Fern, and Kyle are all drinking milk from the same size cartons in the cafeteria. Ellen's carton is 3/7 full. Ferns carton is 3/10 full. Kevin's carton is 3/4 full. Who has the least milk left in their carton? Explain how you know?

Change each of these fractions to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator.

Fern's, because the smaller the denominator the bigger the piece.


You're very welcome, Amari.

Ok so 3/7=.42, 3/10=.32 and 3/4= .75. So Fern has the least amount left in her carton

Yes. Fern has the least amount. But she only has 0.3 not 0.32.

Thank you so much Ms. Sue